kenton Churches
White Squirrels
square miles
Kenton United Methodist Church
We are glad you are interested in visiting our United Methodist congregation. You are warmly invited to come and worship with us and experience God’s grace through our time together.
We recognize that people look for God in many ways. Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey. Here is more info about United Methodist beliefs and if you are new to The United Methodist Church, here is a great place to get to know us.
– Pastor Wesley Gately
East Union Grove Rd.
Kenton, TN 38233
First Baptist Church of Kenton
We welcome you to the FBC in Kenton, and we hope you will enjoy checking out all that our church is doing for the kingdom of God. On our website, you will find an abundance of information about our church and we hope it acquaints you with the vision and purpose of our ministries. I personally invite you to join us at any of our services and look forward to meeting you.
-Pastor Shawn Allerd
204 South Poplar St.
Kenton, TN 38233
Christian Chapel Church of Christ
Christian Chapel Church of Christ in Kenton, Tennessee is a Christian congregation serving the Kenton community and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.
We seek to serve God by working for justice and peace, respect and learn from all the great faith traditions and desire to be known by the love we have for one another.
– Pastor Andy Brewer
3382 Concord Road
Kenton, TN 38233
New Salem Baptist Church
New Salem Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Kenton, Tennessee. The pastor is Darrell Morgan.
New Salem Baptist Church offers Traditional worship services. Besides standard Sunday Services, this church’s service schedule includes Wednesday Service as well.
4517 Old Turnpike Rd
Kenton, TN 38233
North Union CP Church
North Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church is located in the 24th district of Gibson County (formerly District #10) on Preacher Dowland Road, near Kenton, Tennessee and has been in existence since 1840 when it was called a Society. It has had a long and fruitful heritage and has provided a worthy place of worship for generations of descendants of its founders and others who have come to the little church at the bend of the road.
– Margaret Nichol
78 Preacher Dowland Road
Kenton, TN 38233
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church resides in Kenton TN and is compliant with all Cumberland policies. For more information on the history, ministries, and policies, please visit our headquarters’ site by selecting Learn More.
1844 C P Church Rd,
Kenton, TN 38233
Macedonia M.B. Church
We want to extend a warm welcome from Macedonia Baptist Church. This church has existed in this community since 1832. I believe that stands as a firm testament to the grace and faithfulness of our great God. Just as there have been hard times in the decades gone by, life itself can be hard and unpredictable. If you are seeking an anchor to hold onto in hard times and easy times, we invite you to worship with us each Sunday in person beginning at 10 AM with Sunday School, and followed by joint worship at 11 AM. Our prayer is for you to come face to face with the reality of God, the reality of His love, and the joy of a relationship with Him, through the Lord Jesus Christ.
May God bless you,
Pastor Michael Julian.
5209 Macedonia Rd.,
Kenton, TN 38233
Kenton Church of God
511 W. College St.,
Kenton, TN 38233
Bethpage Baptist Church
Wednesday 7:00pm
Bethpage Cemetery, 59 Bethpage Rd.,
Kenton, TN 38233
Laneview Church
Our Mission:
“Our Mission is to share the gospel, shape leaders, and strengthen churches.
(Matt. 28:19-20)
Our vision
Our vision is to be a missional association that makes disciples of all people. Our vision and mission will be accomplished through our priority teams and their affinity teams. We will have one foot firmly planted in our local mission field (Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria) and the other in the international mission field (to the ends of the earth).
158 Old Rutherford-Kenton Rd,
Kenton, TN 38233
Beech Grove Baptist Church
126 Hardy Rd,
Kenton, TN 38233
Lowrance Chapel Church of Christ
The work of Jesus’ church is threefold: teach others about Jesus (Mark 16:15–16), encourage each other to be faithful to Jesus (Romans 14:19), and help others in the name of Jesus (James 1:27).
We believe the Bible teaches that sinners are saved by faith, repentance, confession, and baptism (John 3:16; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:9–10), and that Christians must remain faithful after conversion (Revelation 2:10).
18 Webb Road
Kenton, Tennessee 38233
New Concord Baptist Church
3817 Concord Road
Kenton, TN 38233
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
306 Tilghman St.,
Kenton, TN 38233
Kenton Cumberland Presbyterian Church
301 W. College St.,
Kenton, TN 38233